Title: TOUCHLESS COFFEE. Project identification number: 0011-1365-2021-000024

Objective: Develop advanced functionalities through new mechatronic and user interaction technologies to incorporate technologies into coffee vending machines that allow organoleptic control of dispensing adapted to user preference, contactless selection, secure multi-device, multi-platform communication and in the cloud.

Partners: JOFEMAR, S.A. and: EMBEGA S. COOP.

Execution period: April 2021 – March 2023.

Financing: The TOUCHLESS COFFEE project has been approved by the Government of Navarra in the 2021 R&D grant call. This company has received 50% co-financed aid from the European Regional Development Fund through the FEDER 2014 Operational Program -2020 from Navarra.

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Project title: Development of man-machine and machine-machine advanced interfaces for the vending industry. Project ID No. TSI-020602-2012-64.

Objective: Development of man-machine systems including capacitive-touch detection and high-performance embedded systems for advanced video display systems.

Implementation period: July 2012 – December 2014.

Financing: Co-financed by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, within the 2008-2011 National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation.

In 2012, the Avanza2 plan granted aid to Jofemar for the project entitled: Development of Advanced Man-Machine and Machine-Machine Interfaces for the Vending Sector.

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Project title: Development of a muti-product vending type automated dispensing solution, modular, scalable, easily managed and integrated with multiple systems and platforms. Project ID No. TSI-100103-2014-56.

Objective: Development of Automated Multi-Product, Modular, Scalable Vending-type Automated Dispenser Solution that is Easily Managed and Able to be Integrated with Multiple Systems and Platforms. Includes both software development and electronic control systems and firmware.

Implementation period: February 2014 – December 2015.

Financing: The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism in the Sub-programme for Strategic Action for the Digital Economy and Society and Strategic Action for the Digital Economy and Society 1/2014 call, with aid granted in 2014 to Jofemar for the project entitled: Development of Automated Multi-Product, Modular, Scalable Vending-type Automated Dispenser Solution that is Easily Managed and Able to be Integrated with Multiple Systems and Platforms.

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Project title: Office Coffee. Project ID No.: 0011-1365-2015-000156

Objective: Develop a new range of automatic coffee machines intended for reduced concurrency environments which ensure product quality and homogeneity by means of incorporating new technologies for proper dosage.

Implementation period: January 2015 – December 2015.

Financing: The project has been approved by the Government of Navarra in the R&D call for aid in 2015 and is 50% co-financed with FEDER funds through the Operational Programme 2014-2020 of Navarra.

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